View the ‘Lecture on Location’ example video »


Prep: 3-4 hours
Filming: 1–2 hours
Editing: 30 minutes

Resources and Equipment

  • 1 or 2 video cameras
  • Tripod(s)
  • Lavaliere microphone
  • Portable lights (optional)
  • iPad teleprompter (optional)
  • Release forms (optional)
  • Backup batteries


  • Instructor
  • 1-2 videographers
  • Video editor

How this video was made

First, the instructor and video production team selected a suitable location for filming. Then the instructor wrote a script for the lecture. The video production team coordinated with the manager of the location to secure permission and space for recording the video. The videographer also visited the site before the filming date to evaluate access to the site, the lighting situation, and determine if any special equipment would be needed.

The instructor and video production team drove from Duke’s campus to the location. While the general location was predetermined, the exact placement of the recording equipment and setup was determined upon arrival, in consultation with the instructor. The instructor wore a wireless lavaliere microphone which aided in isolating his voice from the wind and traffic. The camera was placed on a tripod to maintain stability. Some lighting equipment was used properly illuminate the instructor. The footage was edited into the final video by an editor.

If a member of the public appears prominently in the video, you will need to ask them to sign a release form granting you permission to use their image and likeness in the video.

Make Your Video with Us

Contact Learning Innovation to find out how we can help you make a video for teaching at Duke.