Learning Technology Pilots & Integrations Lead

Chris works with faculty and department staff at Duke University to create engaged learning experiences using technology. He provides technical support and leadership for projects and experiments which extend and enhance Duke’s eLearning Ecosystem.

Chris’ projects have included integration and implementation of Sakai feature requests, Duke Extend for online courses and modules, and course design for Duke Coursera open online courses. He currently serves as a liaison to initiatives to better integrate tools like PlayPosit and Zoom with teaching platforms like Sakai, as well as the Sakai/Apereo Greenhouse initiative for Modernizing the Sakai Forums tool which provided a foundation for Sakai Conversations.

Contact Chris



Physical location:
American Tobacco Campus

Mailing address:
334 Blackwell Street
Strickland Building, Suite 340
Durham, NC 27701


Before taking on a senior role, Chris previously worked as Academic Technology Consultant for Music and Digital Humanities at the Duke Center for Technology (CIT). He earned his Bachelor of Science in Music Technology from Elon University in May 2011, with a minor in Communications and in Asian Studies. Before joining Learning Innovation, Chris was a consultant in the Emerging Leaders in Technology @ Elon program (ELITE) and a multimedia developer for Teaching and Learning Technologies at Elon University.

Presentations and Talks

What Can We Learn from Universal Design: University of Maryland Instructional Design and Technology (edX Micromasters), 2018

Duke Sakai – Faster, Better Assessments: Question pools, offline grading and student feedback, 2017

Universal Design: 7 simple tips for more accessible Elearning: Duke Distance Education Special Interest Group, 2017

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