Google releases Picasa beta for the Mac

Instructors wanting students to do some simple photo management and editing in classes or in their own work have sometimes turned to Picasa, an application from Google.  However, the application …

Duke's virtual oil field

Have you seen this around Duke’s campus?  It’s a model of a mock rock outcrop, to be measured and described by students in Dr. Alex Glass‘s EOS 11: Dynamic Earth …

Mapping Literature

The Chronicle of Higher Education features an article this week on literary scholarship that is using technology to investigate new questions with texts that are available online.  New tools, such …

The Social Network

Facebook, MySpace, Flickr, and YouTube are a few examples of social networking sites that are popular these days. If you are involved in more than one of these communities, is …

Google Earth maps refugee crises

An interesting and very mainstream article about how humanitarian applications for Google Earth are blossoming.