Chemistry without a textbook or lectures

Dr. Stephen Craig is teaching Honors Chemistry (Chem 43) using team-based learning (TBL) instead of lectures and online resources instead of a textbook. TBL is a specific type of collaborative learning using a sequence of individual work, group work, immediate feedback and peer evaluation. Dr. Craig and his colleagues created units based on learning objectives, supported by online resources.

Bio 102 students learn with Sakai

Students in Biology 102 Fall 2011 are using Sakai instead of Blackboard to access lecture documents, take pre-lecture quizzes, and hand in lab assignments and problem sets. Julie Noor set …

Dante’s iPad

A guest post by Kenneth Rogerson, Lecturer in Public Policy and Director of Undergraduate Studies, Sanford School of Public Policy .  In Spring 2011, Rogerson worked in collaboration with Denise Comer, Thompson …