Picture of David Asai

Howard Hughes Medical Institute and Duke discuss “Race Matters”

David Asai, Undergraduate Science Education Program Director at Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) will talk about “Race Matters” at Duke, as part of an HHMI funded project, COMPASS, which will provide both faculty and students with support to teach and learn in diverse ways that work for different groups of students, particularly in the early STEM classes. This talk is on January 16, 3:30 pm in Biological Sciences 111.

Distance Education Special Interest Group, Fall 2014

The Distance Education Special Interest Group at Duke (DE SIG@Duke) is an open group meeting every other month to discuss a range of distance education topics. Members include instructors, program directors and coordinators, IT directors and staff, instructional designers, and academic technology consultants. We focus on program administration, pedagogy, and technology.

Join us for our next meeting, as we discuss the flipped “online” classroom model. A panel of three faculty will share their unique experiences and pedagogical approaches flipping the classroom in a distance learning environment.