Three Hacks to Make Sakai Easier

See Less in Gradebook

  1. You can open a full grade report for individual students by clicking their name.
  2. Too many Gradebook items? Use Show/Hide Items to work on only a few at a time.




Learn the Secrets of the Rich Text Editor

  1. The Template feature allows for quick formatting choices such as two columns or an image with wrapped text.
  2. Use the Select All icon to edit the font or delete all content easily.
  3. Is the box too small? Click Maximize to view a larger editing screen.


Use Lessons for Easy Peer Review

  1. Student can create pages where they can post work for others to view and you to grade.
  2. You can allow for commenting for qualitative feedback and grade those comments.
  3. Rubrics can be attached to student or group pages to be filled out by you and their peers.



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