Bio 102 students learn with Sakai

Students in Biology 102 Fall 2011 are using Sakai instead of Blackboard to access lecture documents, take pre-lecture quizzes, and hand in lab assignments and problem sets. Julie Noor set up and manages the Sakai site so that all 178 students can access all course materials via the syllabus or the course calendar. Because Sakai is new to most students at Duke, Julie created a welcome video for the students. In this video, Julie points out the important features for students, and shows how she carefully thought through the student experience for her course.   Watch the video:

If you are a Duke instructor interested in learning more about Sakai, you can attend workshops, drop in to office hours for personal help, or visit the help site for more information about the transition to Sakai (to be completed by June 2012), and get online help with Sakai basics, examples and FAQs.