Blackboard 9 demonstration: 4/1/2010

As mentioned in an earlier post, the eLearning Roadmap Group is hosting demonstrations of three learning management systems, with the intent of gathering feedback from faculty about the usefulness of these systems for teaching and learning. We encourage Duke faculty to sign up and provide feedback at the final demonstration, Blackboard 9, on 4/1/2010. Several sessions are available to meet your schedules. Your input, along with information about Duke’s strategic goals and directions, and the technical capabilities of the systems, will help the Group make an informed recommendation.

If you want to also get involved in other ways, here are two options:

  • Share your opinions and questions at the weekly LMS Office Hours with Ed Gomes, associate Dean for Trinity Technology Service and chair of the eLearning Roadmap Group, each Thursday 3-4 pm in the CIT lab (024 Bostock Library).
  • CIT may be able to obtain logins and test course sites for you in each of the systems so that you can explore (sample versions of) each system hands-on. Please contact CIT if you would like this option.